Published: Revealing Intrinsic Electro-optic Effect in PZT

Our paper entitled “Revealing Intrinsic Electro-optic Effect in Single Domain Pb(Zr, Ti)O3 Thin Films” has been published in Appl. Phys. Lett. We revealed the intrinsic EO effect in PZT using the single domain films grown on CaF2 substrates. Our finding shows that the intrinsic EO effect is enhanced in PZT, which is similar to the enhancement seen in the dielectric and piezoelectric constants. Moreover, it tells us that most of the reported EO response in PZT films is supported by additional extrinsic contributions.

Citation: APL 119, 102902 (2021).

Published: Influence of Orientation on Electro-optic Effect in Ferroelectric HfO2 Films

Our paper entitled “Influence of Orientation on the Electro-optic Effect in Epitaxial Y-doped HfO2 Ferroelectric Thin Films” has been published in Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. We found that the (111)-Y-HfO2 film showed a larger EO response than that of the (100)-Y-HfO2 film, which is reasonable considering the difference in remnant polarization between the (100)- and (111)-Y-HfO2 films.

Citation: JJAP 60, SFFB13 (2021).

Published: Electro-optic Effect in Ferroelectric HfO2 Thin Films

Our paper entitled “Linear Electro-optic Effect in Ferroelectric HfO2-based Epitaxial Thin Films” has been published in Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Rapid Communication. We found that the Y-HfO2 film showed a linear EO response, owing to its ferroelectricity. The observed results indicate that ferroelectric HfO2-based films are viable candidates for CMOS-compatible EO devices.

Citation: JJAP 60, 070905 (2021).


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Published: Enhanced FOM in PZT Nanorods for Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting

Our paper entitled “Enhanced Figure of Merit in Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 Nanorods for Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting” has been published in AIP Adv. We experimentally clarified that the effective figure of merit (FOM) of the PZT nanorod array can be enhanced by the decreased density. This approach enables us to independently control the piezoelectric and dielectric constants of materials, making it possible to lower the effective dielectric constant while maintaining the piezoelectric constant. The results indicate that piezoelectric nanorods are a prospective candidate for small-sized PEHs where the cantilever-based PEH cannot be used at a resonant frequency.

Citation: AIP Adv. 10, 105101 (2020).

Published: PST/STO Artificial Superlattice Thin Films

Our paper entitled “(Pb0.9Sr0.1)TiO3/SrTiO3 Artificial Superlattice Thin Films and Their Electromechanical Response” has been published in J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn. We grew (Pb0.9Sr0.1)TiOn/SrTiOm artificial superlattice thin films, and investigated their electromechanical response. Synchrotron XRD indicated that the film with n/m = 14/20 had a weak periodicity in the in-plane direction, which may have arisen from the ordered polar vortex arrays existing in the PST layers. All the fabricated superlattice thin films showed the electric field-induced strain, though its magnitude was smaller than that for typical ferroelectric materials.

Citation: J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn. 128, 431-435 (2020).

2025 Energy Func. Mater. Eng. Lab., Nagoya Univ. [Internal link]