Published: Influence of PLD conditions on self-assembled PZT nanorods

Our paper entitled “Influence of Deposition Conditions on Self-assembled Growth of Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 Nanorods by Pulsed Laser Deposition at Elevated Oxygen Pressure” has been published in J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn. We found that self-assembled epitaxial PZT nanorods can be grown by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) at an elevated oxygen pressure. The radius of the PZT nanorods was larger at higher substrate temperatures and longer target-substrate distances, which can be explained respectively by the enhanced surface diffusion and shadowing effect of the PLD species.

Citation: J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn. 126, 276-280 (2018).

Published: Crystallographic orientation dependences of sputtering yields

Our paper entitled “Crystallographic Orientation Dependence of the Sputtering Yields of Nickel and Copper for 4-keV Argon Ions Determined using Polycrystalline Targets” has been published in Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. B. A novel experimental approach for revealing the crystallographic orientation dependences of sputtering yields was developed. The dependences determined experimentally were in semi-quantitative agreement with the dependences calculated using the extended Onderdelinden model, demonstrating that the non-channeling probability dominantly controls the sputtering yield.

Citation: Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. B 418, 34-40 (2018).

Published: Control of Mg content and carrier concentration for Sb-doped Mg2Si

Our paper entitled “Control of Mg Content and Carrier Concentration via Post Annealing under Different Mg Partial Pressures for Sb-doped Mg2Si Thermoelectric Material” has been published in J. Solid State Chem. The annealing process under high Mg partial pressure is an effective way to recover the thermoelectric performance of Mg-deficient Mg2Si-based materials.

Citation: J. Solid State Chem. 258, 93-98 (2018).

Awarded: Hiroharu HIRAI

Hiroharu HIRAI won the award for encouragement of research of The 15th International Conference on Advanced Materials (IUMRS-ICAM 2017) held in Kyoto, Japan for his poster on the crystallographic orientation dependence of sputtering yield of FCC metals.

Awarded: Kazuki OKAMOTO

Kazuki OKAMOTO won the best presentation award of The 37th Electronics Division Meeting of the Ceramic Society of Japan held in Kawasaki, Japan for his poster on the piezoelectric property of PZT nanorods.

Awarded: Daisuke KATO

Daisuke KATO won Presentation Award of The Annual Meeting of the Thermoelectrics Society of Japan 2017 (TSJ2017) held in Osaka, Japan for his poster “Realization and Thermal Stability Evaluation of Sb-doped Mg2Si with High carrier concentration (translated)”.

Published: Charge screening strategy for ferroelectric domain pattern control

Our paper entitled “Charge Screening Strategy for Domain Pattern Control in Nano-scale Ferroelectric Systems” has been published in Scientific Reports. We experimentally and theoretically demonstrated that the domain pattern in ferroelectric nanorods can be controlled by the charge screening state.

Citation: Sci. Rep. 7, 5236 (2017).

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Published: Indirect measurements of electrocaloric effect in ferroelectric films by PUND method

Our paper entitled “Indirect Measurements of Electrocaloric Effect in Ferroelectric Thin Films by Positive-up-negative-down Method” has been published in J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn. PUND polarization measurement was employed to indirectly estimate the electrocaloric effect in ferroelectric films. By subtracting the conductive component from the observed charge profile, the electrocaloric effect was precisely determined.

Citation: J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn. 125, 441-444 (2017).

Awarded: Shinya KONDO

Shinya KONDO won Young Presentation Award of The 8th International Conference on Electroceramics (ICE2017) held in Nagoya, Japan for his poster “Theoretical Investigation of Influence of Strain on Electro-optic Effect in Ferroelectric Thin Films”.